Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yeah! Examinations are over!

Yeah! SA1 is over. It is time to rest and recharge for more interesting topics and knowledge going to be learnt starting from week 10.

To those who have done well, keep it up and do not be complacent! You deserve to rest for 3 days! :)

To those who have not done well, keep trying to strive for better results. Ask questions if necessary.

To those who have not done their best, do your best from now on. You can do it!


Someone came to ask me if seahorses lay eggs. I told him that seahorses give birth but he was not convinced. To be exact, the female lay many eggs into the male's pouch. The male seahorse then gives birth. The male seahorse is indeed a wonderful father.

Here is a video showing how seahorses give birth.

PS: Do not scream. This is the beauty of Science.

More information about seahorses.